

Thai Jashe Gujarati Movie Review

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Genre: Drama. Cast: Malhar Thakar, Monal Gajjar, Manoj Joshi, Kumkum Das, Hemang Dave, Maulik Chauhan, Sharad Vyas, Bhavini Jani and Parth Raval. Director: Nirav Barot.   The more I try to distance myself from Gujarati Film’s Review, the more requests I get of sharing the review. I think this is a very good positive change from […]

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Musical Chat with Parth Bharat Thakkar ♫ Redefining Music for New Age Cinema ♫

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Be it any industry there are stories wherein the success of one person can be attributed to the other without second thoughts. Bollywood is full of such examples wherein actors, singers, lyricists have got their lucky break through unexpected people. Let’s reflect at a time when you or I were not even born. In those times, […]

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Transmedia Awards 2015

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15th Annual Transmedia Gujarati Screen and Stage Awards – 2016 was held in Mumbai on 27th Feb in presence of Film, TV and Stage fraternities. The grand tradition of felicitating best artists and technicians very year has created history by completing a one and half decade this year. This year, 32 Gujarati films were released, 19 participated for […]

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New Policy Promoting New Age Gujarati Films announced by Gujarat Government.

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Gujarat government today announced a new policy to give incentives to Gujarati film industry. As per the new policy announced by state government spokesperson and minister Shri Nitin Patel, films will be divided into A,B,C and D four categories and incentives will be given as per the category of film. 81-100 points will secure ‘A’ […]

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